Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Dedication

I need to see a piece of your history that shows itself worn
I cannot wait to make acquaintance with your storm drains
To watch their advance toward your runoff ditches
All the way to your eventual floodplains
The way you tell me that no man is an island
I feel you might be the first and last to teach me
Such a valuable lesson
Such becoming, coming into my own
As how to be a peninsula
Surrounded on three sides by the shrink and swell of another’s body
Obeying their own deep blue reflected moods and salty norms
I’ve known you for a while, but I’ve been so long and far away
I really don’t recall what leads to your downtown, old town, marketplace
I remember there were flower shops somewhere, as well as musty life scents
Muddy, reverberated experiences
Stretched out all the way to your bridges
And there likely isn’t a battered soul, or God complex, uncased, that you don’t hold
See, you have the potential to be a place
Where it doesn’t matter
How many viruses we computers can gather
For your power lines stretch
Across your poles which will stand
Not forever, but longer than I’ll keep from taking for granted
How you reduce me to
A predictable joke
“Boobies” math’d out across
The upside-down screen of a scientific calculator
You turn me into the lowest common denominator
Sitting here
Remembering you
Trying to recall the
Trolley tracks, drug stores, pigeon nests
Street artists
Of your waving, dancing hands.