Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Dedication

I need to see a piece of your history that shows itself worn
I cannot wait to make acquaintance with your storm drains
To watch their advance toward your runoff ditches
All the way to your eventual floodplains
The way you tell me that no man is an island
I feel you might be the first and last to teach me
Such a valuable lesson
Such becoming, coming into my own
As how to be a peninsula
Surrounded on three sides by the shrink and swell of another’s body
Obeying their own deep blue reflected moods and salty norms
I’ve known you for a while, but I’ve been so long and far away
I really don’t recall what leads to your downtown, old town, marketplace
I remember there were flower shops somewhere, as well as musty life scents
Muddy, reverberated experiences
Stretched out all the way to your bridges
And there likely isn’t a battered soul, or God complex, uncased, that you don’t hold
See, you have the potential to be a place
Where it doesn’t matter
How many viruses we computers can gather
For your power lines stretch
Across your poles which will stand
Not forever, but longer than I’ll keep from taking for granted
How you reduce me to
A predictable joke
“Boobies” math’d out across
The upside-down screen of a scientific calculator
You turn me into the lowest common denominator
Sitting here
Remembering you
Trying to recall the
Trolley tracks, drug stores, pigeon nests
Street artists
Of your waving, dancing hands.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Societal Esteem

(Everyone’s a slut and slave these days, so don’t just spit at me)

Lye on any couch because everyone is a drug dealer and therapist these days
And open up about the paint chipping off of my old paint brushes
And everything else that collapses into itself
And bring my session to a climax, revealing a side of me that I cannot see, which cannot speak freely
Because I’m oblivious to the majority of me
I’m not the sun, but I’m not the ceiling
But I’m still searching
And I prove it by not crumpling my poems just because I can’t spell or sell
All I want from life is to leave on a high note
Maybe with the tendencies that carried away most of my childhood heroes
And leave my wiring process as meaningless as an atheist’s God
By the way, when I’ve talked to God, I’ve asked him to talk back to everyone else
Because my selfish will doesn’t mean a thing
No one is worth God’s ultimatum
The reality we’ve created is the result of a half-hearted bargain
But I get the feeling that if the darkness in it all no longer existed
Then we’d waste our extra sunlight on extending our work hours everyday
So why do we feel we deserve help?
Ever meet someone that tried to suck off a shotgun for everyone wrong doing?
For ever reason we struggle to progress?
Or even for every girl that didn’t love him back?
After all this, how can we still be redeemed by one 33 year old with nails through his hands?
Laughing in his face we open the flood gates and infect his land
Everyone’s childhood was messed up, thus will be your children’s hall-pass to apathy
And no matter how hard we try, we’ll never be stuck in immortality
Finally -live our lives
Disenfranchised through our own lives we refuse to live
Pocket a lie
Live like a note
And say goodbye.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Lofidel

In a moment of miles
He wakes to confusion:
Is she stranger or lover?
Gorging to finish the night before
You wouldn’t take him to be the kind of guy
With smiley faces dotting his I’s

He’ll find that there is much to be found
The same day he forgot to wash the ink from his hands
From the morning paper
But dropped anchor anyhow
Looming forgetfulness or naivety
Anyone could tell he handled her nervously
Rolling over, he smeared the black powder mess all over her breasts and face

They met through the Coffee Saints
Decided they might as well cover Coffee Stains

But could she be the wrong song, played at the wrong time?
Preserving rather than conserving?

In the name of beasts or paranormal light-sides
Or the undecided middle grey smudge containing their species
They were questions of faith, nothing more

But he worried that her facts seemed to pollute
His observations and compositions
Of blood and soul and honest concern...
They crumbled to his feet, just to trip him
So thinks this man over-bored
And so he doesn’t holler it out
By the advice of men that fell before him
Stopped hearing so hard, those melodies
“They mean nothing to me”
Those men said the same and fell off
At about the same age
Giving in to bribes
That matched their frustrations
Because in a perfect, breezy magic-hour
We all find our price

So, now he longs for the morning sun
To reach his seams, to warm his constricted fingertips
Of which he suspects he must have held above his heart for too long
Cold covering his lips, just to speak gingerly
Not to feel candidly
A guest he has been, he feels, for far too long…

So he tries his hardest to cold stare her
Without stirring her
Just analyzing her
Neglecting the first rays of day
And so, on he stares

Man over-bored
Finds his mansion
In the containment
Of her hairpin
Finds his confidence
In the safe confines
Of her period piece
Finds his spine
Pressed against
The comforting plume
Of her cuddle space
And just shy
Of violent rapture
He falls around her
And wonders, "To rise again?"
And in another
Measurement of whatever
He will find solutions in her distraction
Because her distraction is reality
And her reality
Is within him

And in that bone-snapped moment
He recalls the morning sun
As it reflects off of the brand new curves of their shoulders and face
And in the nick of time he’ll feel right
To clean that black powder mess
With his first loving kiss
Before it bleeds into her eyes
And stings them from sleep.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


There was a time
If he messed up
You’d've been mine…
It’s getting
Cold back home
Didn’t want to hear
So now sings the crow

I see you’re flying
In Kite formations
Singing songs
Stayed in state
Knocking down
My forgotten nest
Didn’t miss it
It’s compost anyway

So tie your hair up…
I let black wings drop…
Fade this town…

…Your house…
…It gets smaller…

So this time
I’ll warm my eggs
Just enough to
Keep it vague
Let your hair
Move with static
Cutting up
The placid air
These are worms worth rising…

So tie loose ends down…
Or let evaporate…
Fade this town…

…These worms…
…Keep rising…

(I keep your Anti-Ansel-esque
Self portrait
Hidden in a lock of
Things to be thrown out.)

The Vanishing

One day
You will actively vanish
Not freeze, fight, or flight
But more along the lines of
A chameleon blending with flora that “they” just found
And he heard “them” coming

More like
Playing hide and seek
…and there you are
Turning it into a constant state of positional improvement
And you’ll just continue evading
Not running away
This is no mere reaction to what you’ve been dealt
This has been a lifetime coming
And maybe you don’t know why
But the desire to do
Stomps the desire to explain
It’s in your nature
In your genetics
And as far as duration?
Until you are satisfied
Until the season to be utterly free grows too cold and wet
Until the modern man existence seems appealing again
And that’s just the honest truth

Good luck
I hope you get to disappear
By your own doing and with your own destination
And one day bloom
Into your own.

Chasing Pleiades

You know,
In the grand scheme of things
We’re all beasts, compared to someone or something
You were far too surprised to find me
Running in circles
Chasing Pleiades

You dismissed it as nothing
But I assure you, it was someone or something
And I’m still running
But not far enough or fast enough
I can’t run on all fours, like in my dreams
In the grand scheme of things
I’ve been surprised
To find you chasing me.

Clay Crumbs

When statues fall out of love
It’s a split of two ideas that define each other
The crumbles are just little copies of the combination
And there’s nothing left for ruins
They just become ruined
Like we’re all ruined
There are no melds held important
Just crumbles to value, or clean up

The Pangs of The No Place

This is no place for one who sees clearly
No place for one who hears melodically
No place for one who breathes cleanly
And no place for one who feels

And it’s changing me.
In ways I will regret
Though I cannot refrain from
These changes seem unavoidable
Though maybe correctable

The darkness used the tools of
The blurring of time
The taming of repetition
And the terrorizing threats of alienation
To sew us into a fowl quilt
For whatever it so desires to smother.

And what beasts we’ve become.
I’ve seen
As we wrap each other
Just to keep it off of ourselves
With amusement streaked across the crows feet our eyes
Which only feeds it
Which only darkens us faster, deeper.

This is no place
No place to find future.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

This Sleep Scattered Life

Of all of my minimalisms
Of which I've sorted
The few I display now are only hints
After completion of a thousand piece puzzle
Born of revelations
Beaten ‘til death or curdle
In the hopes of wringing out a fellow human, or guitar string, or skyline
But they're all just playing-with-myself
Lubricated with my favorite compound molecules
And everything I choose to minimize, in time, causes me to lose out on fellow hearts.
So, at least all these words I find are my conscious
And will always be mine, despite any coming-to-mind adjectives
Whether yawning awake, or rambling on a supplemented overdrive
In this sleep scattered life.


Make fun of whatever the fuck you want
Make fun of whatever the fuck you want
With no care to what you may breed
With no slight of what scars you’re resurfacing
Because fuck them all
Fuck them all and their sensitivities
And their struggles
Because you’re so unique, so funny
Pointing out anything
Anything at all
Should be allowed for you
And only you
Because we’re all your TV show
We’re all your characters
We’re all your canned laughter
We’re all your musical score
So make fun of whatever the fuck you want
Fuck them all
Let it breed.